Cathodic protection is the most common electrochemical technique used to prevent corrosion on pipelines, storage tanks, ship hulls, underground tanks etc. The process occurs when a DC current is passed through an anode and cathode so that the metal becomes cathodic and prevents corrosion.
Cathodic protection is one of the main technique to prevent corrosion. Cathodic protection is of two types they are Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) and Galvanic Protection also known as DCCP. Cathodic protection systems protects a wide range of metallic structures in various environments.
Titanium tubular anodes are manufactured using titanium seamless tube and coated with platinum group precious metal mixed oxide coating.
Titanium tubular string for pipelines are arranged in ground beds either distributed or in a deep vertical hole depending on several design and field condition factors including current distribution requirements.
Mixed metal oxide based electro catalytic anodes are a different type of anodes when compared to conventional anodes. These anodes are dimensionally stable, long life anodes that are not consumed during the process of generating cathodic protection current.
Mixed Metal Oxide anodes are typically rated for a given output and life, for example 5 amps at 20 years. Within the normal range of current discharge for MMO anodes, this relationship is linear. The same 5 amp anode rated for 20 years of service would provide 40 years if only operated at 2.5 amps.
MMO piggyback anode is the flexible anode with a long life, which integrates the advantages of large current of MMO anode and excellent conductive performance. Due to its large current and small grounding resistance, it can be buried in the place far away from the anode structure.
MMO piggyback anode is the flexible anode with a long life, which integrates the advantages of large current of MMO anode and excellent conductive performance. Due to its large current and small grounding resistance, it can be buried in the place far away from the anode structure.
Piggy pack anodes are used to protect the tank bottoms. It’s the easiest method of cathodic protection which may not need a weld at site and also easy to handle and install. Piggy pack wire anodes connected with cable by the way of Crimping and sealing with mastic and heat shrink sleeve procedure. The piggy pack anodes are inserted in the jacket with coke fill to sustain the conductivity of the anodes in the place where we install for cathodic protection.
Cathodic Protection is accomplished by applying a direct current to the tank surface of the metal, which causes the electrochemical potential of the structure to shift from a corroding state to a polarized and non-corroding state.
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