April 7, 2022 09:52 by
Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt Ltd, India offers wide ranges of ICCP anodes, Titanium solid ribbon anode is among one. It is durable & dimensionally stable, designed for the impressed current cathodic protection of…
- Steel structures (storage tank) – fine sand.
- Reinforced concrete – civil structure.
It is made up of high purity titanium metal substrate which has proven chemical corrosion resistance, low system electrical resistance, and high mechanical integrity against breakage. MMO Coated ribbon anode and conductor bar for gigantic tank bottom protection. The output of the ICCP system should be optimized to provide enough current to provide protection to the target structure. Some cathodic protection transformer-rectifier units are designed with taps on the transformer windings and jumper terminals to select the voltage output of the ICCP system.
Cathodic protection transformer-rectifier units for water tanks and used in other applications are made with solid state circuits to automatically adjust the operating voltage to maintain the optimum current output or structure-to-electrolyte potential. For shore structures and other large complex target structures, ICCP systems are often designed with multiple independent zones of anodes with separate cathodic protection transformer-rectifier circuits.

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April 6, 2022 10:00 by
Platinum is an excellent anode material due to its high conductivity and low consumption rate. Due to its high cost, Platinum is made practical for use by electroplating a thin layer over a high corrosion resistance substrate. Since Titanium, Niobium and Tantalum substrates are having the ability to form an insulating oxide film under anodic conditions, they are all most commonly used as anode in ICCP.
A platinized titanium anode is simply a titanium anode coated with platinum. These anodes act as an inert anodes and are non-consumable and long lasting. These anodes are insoluble in electrolyte where electrolysis is present. Platinized Titanium Rod are usually used in cantilever anode which is used for protecting pipeline internal, pump internal & condenser box internal for 30 years and more by applying DC current with transformer rectifier.
- Deep & conventional ground beds.
- Jetties in fresh, brackish and salt-water electrolytes.
- Water tanks.
- Lock Gates.
- Intake Screens.
- Marine application

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April 6, 2022 09:38 by
Cathodic protection system is an important method of preventing corrosion in underground pipelines, storage tanks, petroleum pipelines, offshore and onshore platforms etc. Cathodic protection (CP) is a technique used to control the corrosion of a metal surface.
GI Canister anode is filled with petroleum coke fill that improvise the conductivity of MMO Coated Tube, Strip or wire where the soil not having conductivity. Petroleum coke fill with low sulfur will much suits for the high resistivity soil. Canister anodes are installed vertically besides the oil pipes to avoid corrosion and horizontally installed in Tank bottoms. After some time the GI pipes are get rusted and the petroleum coke fill will be inside the soil that keeps the conductivity.
- Shallow vertical and horizontal surface ground beds.
- Underground storage tanks.
- Above ground storage tanks.
- Pipelines.

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March 22, 2022 10:41 by
It is the big problem which often exposed of concrete structure like jetty piles in seawater is continuously corroded which we cannot stop. Corrosion on the metal resulting decline in strength which leads to reduce the life. We can avoid these corrosion by ICCP (Impressed Current Cathodic Protection).
To avoid greater losses due to sea water corrosion, it needed a protection against corrosion on the pillar. One method availability is to install the shroud or much known as piles jacketing which will be sacrificial type. But we can use MMO Anodes for these protection.
The most affected by the display is on the pillars of the affected splashes water zone or quoted. At the splash zone, the structure constant splashes of sea water, and therefore we supposed to give the subsequent strength to the anodes, since the anode is not containing much weight.

Therefore we are giving concrete structure like sled anode will be used. So that the anode will be in that position where the jetty pile getting protected. These anodes are substantially withstand more than 20 years.

March 18, 2022 11:56 by
MMO piggyback anode is the flexible anode with a long life, which integrates the advantages of large current of MMO anode and excellent conductive performance. Due to its large current and small grounding resistance, it can be buried in the place far away from the anode structure.
Piggy pack anodes are used to protect the tank bottoms. It’s the easiest method of cathodic protection which may not need a weld at site and also easy to handle and install. Piggy pack wire anodes connected with cable by the way of Crimping and sealing with mastic and heat shrink sleeve procedure. The piggy pack anodes are inserted in the jacket with coke fill to sustain the conductivity of the anodes in the place where we install for cathodic protection.
Cathodic Protection is accomplished by applying a direct current to the tank surface of the metal, which causes the electrochemical potential of the structure to shift from a corroding state to a polarized and non-corroding state.

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March 18, 2022 11:07 by
Cathodic protection systems is to protect a wide range of metallic structures in various environments. Common applications or environment to protect is steel, water or fuel pipelines and steel storage tanks such huge oil tanks, chemical storage tanks, steel pier piles, ship and boat hulls, offshore oil platforms and onshore oil well casings and metal reinforcement bars in concrete buildings and structures.
Now-a-days impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) systems are used to avoid replacing the cathode in years together like. These consist of anodes connected to a DC power source, often a transformer-rectifier connected to AC power. In the absence of an AC supply, alternative power sources may be used, such as solar panels, wind power or gas powered thermoelectric generators in accordance with the CP designer.
Tiaano is the manufacturing company for many CP solutions from 2003 onwards. Our cathodic protection anodes installed in onshore and offshore platform like jetty piles, underwater bridge and many structures.

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March 3, 2022 12:02 by
Cathodic protection system is an important method of preventing corrosion in underground pipelines, storage tanks, petroleum pipelines, offshore and onshore platforms etc. Cathodic protection (CP) is a technique used to control the corrosion of a metal surface.
We, Ti anode fabricators Pvt. Ltd., is familiar in manufacturing and supplying of MMO & Platinum plated Titanium and Niobium anodes for Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP). According to the customer’s requirement we manufacture the anodes from copper cored titanium and copper cored niobium too. Our anodes are gone through the accreditation test by M/s. TWT, London as per NACE standard TMO 294-2001.Either the factory made ‘LIDA’ or ‘CPCC’ connected tubular string anodes; anode tubes; for offshore platforms protection; civil probe anodes; wire anodes, piggy back anodes, anode flex, canister pack anodes; rod anodes; strip anodes; disc anodes; tank bottom ribbon anodes; mesh ribbon anodes; discrete mesh anodes are also in our production scope.
MMO coated tubular string anodes are used to protect the pipe lines which is installed horizontal bed as well as vertical deep well with multi string /single string based on several design and field condition factors including current distribution requirements.
· Salt, fresh and brackish water
· Deep well Anodes
· Marine applications
· Tank bottoms
· Underground pipelines

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February 24, 2022 11:53 by
Mixed Metal Oxide(MMO) coated titanium rod and Platinized Titanium rod anodes are to be designed & manufactured by Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd, Chennai, India. Platinum is one of the noble group of metals also a precious metal, which has excellent catalyst materials. Platinum is conductive, chemically stable and highly resistant to oxidation and corrosion. It has a silvery-grey colour and can be polished to a variety of products.
Platinum is an excellent anode material due to its high conductivity and low consumption rate. MMO anodes have imperceptibly low wear rates and are often referred to as Dimensionally Stable Anodes as they do not change geometry over time. MMO anodes are quickly becoming the most popular impressed current anode.
Cathodic protection system is an important method of preventing corrosion in underground pipelines, storage tanks, petroleum pipelines, offshore and onshore platforms etc. Cathodic protection (CP) is a technique used to control the corrosion of a metal surface.
Platinized Titanium Rod and MMO Coated Titanium Rod are usually used in cantilever anode which is used for protecting pipeline internal, pump internal & condenser box internal for 30 years and more by applying DC current with transformer rectifier.

- Deep & conventional ground beds.
- Jetties in fresh, brackish and salt-water electrolytes.
- Water tanks.
- Lock Gates.
- Intake Screens.
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February 9, 2022 09:18 by
Cathodic protection system is an important method of preventing corrosion in underground pipelines, storage tanks, petroleum pipelines, offshore and onshore platforms etc. Cathodic protection (CP) is a technique used to control the corrosion of a metal surface. Impressed current systems utilize an external power source that provides protective current to mitigate corrosion activity.
MMO or Platinised coating is an excellent electrical conductor and giving well chemical stability, when it will be coated on Titanium or Niobium base, even in very low pH environments. MMO coating greatly prolong the life of the anode (low wear rate) and provide excellent chemical corrosion resistance such as acid condition.
GI Canister anode is filled with petroleum coke fill that improvise the conductivity of MMO Coated Tube, Strip or wire where the soil not having conductivity. Petroleum coke fill with low sulfur will much suits for the high resistivity soil. Canister anodes are installed vertically besides the oil pipes to avoid corrosion and horizontally installed in Tank bottoms. After some time the GI pipes are get rusted and the petroleum coke fill will be inside the soil that keeps the conductivity.
- Shallow vertical and horizontal surface ground beds.
- Underground storage tanks.
- Above ground storage tanks.
- Pipelines.
Different types of anodes in canister anode is MMO wire, tube, mesh, strip anode which is comprised of a precious metal oxide coating applied to a titanium base. The metal oxide coating is completely stable, and does not allow the object to corrode which we need to protect.
The stable anode element passes current to a highly conductive calcined petroleum coke breeze. This backfill is well compacted inside a galvanized steel canister. To allow moisture to quickly migrate to the coke breeze for increased electrical conductivity, the MMO anode element is electrically connected to the steel canister - thereby accelerating the canister corrosion rate once the anode has been installed and energized.

- Twice the life
- Unbreakable
- Light weight
- Easier to install
- Narrower trench
- Easy to centralize
- Reduce excavation and drilling cost.
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January 31, 2022 16:15 by
Cathodic protection system is a technique used to control a corrosion of a metal surface by making it the cathodic side of an electrochemical cell. Cathodic protection is an old and effective system that prevents forming rust in metal and helps in corrosion resistant. Corrosion can be prevented by eliminating the oxygen or the positively charged hydrogen ions. Two methods are available for applying cathodic protection they are:
- Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP)
- Galvanic Cathodic Protection
We, Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd., developed an extremely strong and electrically low resistance centre crimp connection, which ensures the lowest possible electrical resistance (less than 1.0 Milli Ohm) between the cables and anode tube. The Platinum group Mixed Metal Oxide coating is a crystalline electrically conductive coating that activates and enables a titanium substrate to function as an anode. Whether operating in fresh water, seawater, soil, or mud. MMO Coatings are extremely stable even in very low pH environments.
Ti’s MMO titanium tubular anodes are coated with mixed metal oxide that has an extremely low consumption rate measured in milligrams per year. Unlike other types of anodes the consumption rate of MMO anode is negligible with the dimensions of the anode element remaining virtually unchanged during the operational service life of the anode. As a result, the power required to impress current will remain the same.

- Lightweight/Durable
- High current output
- Low cost
- Dimensionally stable
- High cost performance
- Salt, fresh and brackish water
- Deep well Anodes
- Marine applications
- Tank bottoms
- Underground pipelines

Titanium tubular anodes are manufactured using titanium seamless tube and coated with platinum group precious metal mixed oxide coating. Titanium tubular string for pipelines are arranged in ground beds either distributed or in a deep vertical hole depending on several design and field condition factors including current distribution requirements.
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